PUBG Mobile Game Night 6

We have conducted our sixth PUBG Mobile Tournament on 21st May 2020. It was a free entry tournament.

It was a second squad tournament and again it was a full house. All slots were occupied.

Yesterday’s game was a real drama. It was a mixture of an extra ordinary game by winning team The Only and unfair game by team GOD.

Yesterday we decided to improve our stream by including commentary. Pravin and Rohit took the responsibility of this task. They had no prior experience in doing commentary. This lock down is teaching everyone something new. It was a good experience for them and for viewers too, even though it was not a perfect one. Rohit’s voice disappeared for some time and Some other voices were heard. That really was hilarious :D. It is rightly said ‘Imperfect is perfect’.

Talking about game, we caught team GOD teaming up with one unknown team. We captured it in our stream. You can check it in link given below. Teaming up is not allowed and thus team GOD is disqualified from the tournament. Good thing is even after teaming up they couldn’t made it to top 3.

Name of Team members who were involved in unfair game are as follows

GOD TuShAr, GOD Rohilla, GoD PuBg, GOD AirRifle, Team24Deadshot, Team24Shadow, Team24Haunt

Our winner team The Only showed an extra ordinary game play in yesterday’s game. 3 Players of this team were down early in the game. Only one player TheOnlyMrTooT was remaining on field. He single handedly wiped out 2 full squads and one partial squad. Which includes one squad which was involved in team up. The one who played fair and better had a final laugh.

We also had little confusion about slot allocations. We found team in slot 20 and slot 22 were teamed up. These slots were assigned to Team Lasun Chivda and team GOD respectively. So we naturally thought that Lasun Chivda and GOD are playing an unfair game, but later we realized that team Lasun Chivda was playing at slot 19 and they were not involved in unfair game. In fact team Lasun Chivda also played brilliantly yesterday. Team Lasun Chivda were runner up in yesterday’s game with 21 kills and they were playing with only 3 players.

Our third rank team Royal Champions in yesterday’s game is special. They also played very strategically. They belonged to Jammu. We are happy that we are reaching to corners of country. With all team members support we can keep making this platform better and better.

You can check the action on below stream

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